October 12, 2024

Statistics is a mathematical science pertaining to the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. It is applicable to a wide variety of academic disciplines, from the physical and social sciences to the humanities; it is also used for making informed decisions in all areas of business and government.

Dissertation Research Hypotheses

HO1: There is no difference between the rates of acceptance for services for minority versus majority clients.
HO2: There is no difference in the amount of time it takes for eligibility determinations for minority versus majority clients.
HO3: There is no difference in the amount of funding eligible minority clients receive for services versus that received by majority clients.
HO4: There is no difference in the amount of time from eligibility to case closure for minority clients versus majority clients.
HO5: There is no difference in the rate of eligible minority cases closed successfully versus the rate of majority cases closed successfully.
HO6: After the provision of rehabilitation counseling services, there is no difference between the weekly wages of minority clients versus the weekly wages of majority clients.
HO7: There is no difference between the rates of acceptance for services for minority versus majority clients when there is a client-counselor racial similarity.
HO8: There is no difference in the amount of time it takes for eligibility determinations for minority versus majority clients when there is a client-counselor racial similarity.
HO9: There is no difference in the amount of funding eligible minority clients receive for services versus that received by majority clients when there is a client-counselor racial similarity.

Source: These are some of my actual hypotheses from my dissertation.

Sample1 | Sample2 | Sample3 | Sample4 | Sample5 | Sample6